What is transpersonal therapy?

Transpersonal therapy has an expansive view of human nature that goes beyond the body, mind and emotions. It recognizes that we have a Self that is a source of wisdom, love and compassion. This is the spiritual element that gives life greater depth and meaning, reminds us of the sacredness of all beings and the planet, and urges us to contribute something positive to humanity.

We have an innate ability to heal and grow that comes from that source residing within us and the Earth. As a transpersonal therapist, I draw from a wide range of spiritual practices, earth-based knowledge and healing traditions to help you access the wisdom of your divine Self for growth and transformation.

Using a variety of techniques including grounding and centering, breath work, guided visualization, dream work, sand tray, art, journaling and mindfulness, I can assist you in deepening into states of being that are beyond the wounds and internal divisions of your ordinary self. You may feel more aliveness, presence, wholeness, or connection to life’s beauty and mystery.

These states are not a “spiritual bypass” where you “rise above” and avoid dealing with your real life issues. Every problem you have, no matter how mundane, has the potential for helping you grow spiritually. It’s crucial that you stay grounded and in your body so you can make use of the knowledge you gain and apply it to your life. Transpersonal therapy gives you a bigger container to hold you as you do your work.