Somatic therapy recognizes that every experience you have is registered in your body as well as your emotions and thoughts. By slowing down and becoming aware of what you’re feeling in the present moment with compassion and without judgment, you have access to the deeper wisdom that your body holds.

Many people find it challenging to be mindfully present in their bodies. If you live with pain, anxiety, ongoing oppression or have a history of abuse, for example, you may be on constant alert for external danger or habitually numb out. These coping strategies help you survive but limit your ability to heal, grow and thrive.


I understand these challenges and meet you wherever you are. If you’re willing to go on this journey, I can help you develop tools and resources for staying present with your body and emotions in ways that feel safe and empowering for you.

As we pay attention to your breathing, explore a gesture, or notice energy flow or muscle constriction, emotions or memories may surface that open you to deeper levels of your self and core beliefs. With awareness of what you’re holding from the past and where that lives in your body, you’re more able to let go of what doesn’t serve you.

The more you live from your authentic self, the more capacity you’ll have to do your relationships well, manifest what you truly want and meet life’s challenges with more flexibility and resilience.